Saturday, June 9, 2012


          In the book I am currently reading my main character junior id in his rain of terror nothing good is happening in his life. Everyone around him is pacing away and leaving him. He feels lonely and he believes that he just need a friend a friend like rowdy. He misses him. In the book rowdy and his team just lost to the rich reardan. He sees his fellow "friends" and it hits him. He sees it’s not only him feeling bad but all the other kids were hurting just like him maybe even worse.
          the little bit of happiness he could of given them by winning was taken away he saw these kids who weren't going anywhere in life upset just bad things just coming to happen to them he saw rowdy’s faces having to go home and get beaten up by his dad just because he lost it seem he is in a ray of terror bad all around him he questions himself will good ever come. But something I notice no matter how hard junior tries he just can't be sad and that’s because he is terrified of being scared he doesn't want to be safe he is over this he is trying so hard to push all this pain away by doing weird things like laughing in the car when hearing about the death of his only loving sister. He is trying so hard and I think this is one thing that makes junior so smart he was able to leave that and change he wants to change making him the bigger Indian. It makes him a bugger person and that’s what he is by the end of the book.

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